SWF 49 Currently residing in Loveland but willing to relocate anywhere West of the Mississippi as long as there are mountains for the right person. PUT FROG in Subject line to discourage BOTS, SPAM SEXX web sites!!! I'm not the prettiest or the sexiest. I do not have the perfect body. But, I'm ME! I don't pretend to be anyone else. You'll never find another who would be as faithful, loyal and honest to you as me unless youre a dog owner. I'll always have your back. I live for today and always looking forward to tomorrow. I'm have no regrets about how I have lived my life and I'm proud of who I am today. An honest woman of integrity. I hold a full time job that I can quit at time and will not miss. My profession can be done from any where there is internet access so I will always have some income. I have a mortgage, that means Im responsible and Im tired of being responsible. Not getting any younger. My kids are grown, my car paid forI open to hitting the road on the back of a Harley at any time to travel the roads in a RV or the world by any means
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